A 90 Day Countdown For Spring Sellers

Jim Beckley December 5, 2019

If you are planning to sell your home in the spring of 2020, you are likely starting to feel increased stress over the long to-do list to get your home ready. As I have advised my clients, those who hit the market in the earliest part of the spring tend to sell their homes quicker and for more money. With that said, sellers have roughly 90 days from Thanksgiving to make their home as attractive as possible to the buyer community. What are the main actions you can take to accomplish this goal?

  • Declutter!!!  We all accumulate belongings with each passing year in our homes. The more we hold on to, the less open space there is in our homes. By getting rid of items via garage or online sales, donations, or just trash, you can free up space that will allow buyers to appreciate the true size of your rooms. For those who want to retain most of what they have, I recommend packing up a percentage of your home now (larger pieces of furniture and boxed-up items you won’t need between now and the time you move) and have your mover hold them in storage through the sale. 
  • Clean and freshen Adding a fresh coat of neutral paint
    throughout the house will help brighten the interior. A 90 day countdown for spring sellers Hero image
    Also, replacing older carpets is a great way to freshen
    up rooms and deodorize. Both of these have a great
    return on investment!
  • Hire a handyman Are there small defects in your
    home that you’ve learned to overlook through the years?
    Perhaps you’ve put off some deferred maintenance for
    the last season or two.  Hiring a handyman to take care of
    these items ahead of time will help avoid buyers being
    turned off by their impression of a house not being well cared for.

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  • Boost curb appeal Nothing beats making a good first impression. The front of your house is the first thing buyers will see, both online and driving by. Putting a fresh coat of paint on the front door and shutters and making sure the front walkway and stoop are in good shape (no trip hazards!) are easy ways to make your home as welcoming as possible. Also, clear out any leftover leaves from the winter, edge flower beds, and put down a fresh layer of mulch just before you go on the market.
  •  Sellers may not get a good return on investment on big-ticket renovations. Be sure to consult a trusted Realtor if you are considering making updates. In some instances, it makes sense, while in others it may be best to put your money toward other areas of the home. 


Working with an experienced agent who can guide you through the preparation phase is imperative to a successful sale. If you or someone you know is looking to sell your home in 2020, I can provide a free, no-obligation home evaluation to see what your home could sell for in the current marketplace.

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